it started at 2:30pm
where the sun was scorching hot
but as soon as we started marching
the sky turned grey
and the weather was rather cooling
upon reaching the 8KM mark
it started to pour like mad
and it was a thunderstorm
we had shelter and a long break cos of the thunderstorm
they provided kit kat and H20
after the rain had stopped
we continued our journey back to company line
and before we knew it
we were back in our bunks sleeping :)
and this morning we finally got to book out
haha :)
damn happy that i got to keep my hair for one more week
hahaha its rather long now(rather)

last wednesday was fun
cos we had OC evening
where all of us,including the sergeants and Sirs
all let our hair down (provided we have any)
and enjoyed performances by all four platoons
being platoon 1
we were the first to perform
and our performance was revolving around 'H' company
which means Homo company
with all the sick jokes and stuff
the audience enjoyed our performance as they laughed like mad
our platoon won the best performance out of the four
as our OC thought it was entertaining and creative
big thanks to jun wei for organising
and all the rest for putting in effort
into making the performance work out in the end :)
HAWK COY ah platoon 1!
by the way,A level results is next friday aint it.
i dont want to take my results!!!!!!!!!!!!