Another awesome week at ADM!!
so many assignments to do though :/
and its only the second week.
anyway heres what ive done recently
for 3D class,we brought junk to class!
the task was to make an animal or organism out of readymades
we were all very excited!!
i made a few creatures,
one was a terrapin made from a tap,and some spare parts
the next was a mosquito made from pen ink and a lightbulb starter
but my favourite was the stag beetle!
i made it by melting the bicycle headlights with a hot air gun to form the body
and drilling a hole to the top part of the clothes hanger to join them together,
lots of work but it was worth it! :D
For 2D class
we had to bring an organic and a geometric shaped object.
Also we had to bring an object we liked alot,
mine was the Rilakumma plushie i got from Taiwan!
Observing the object,we had to draw the basic contours
and fill it up with geometric and organic shapes!
Also we tried out a technique called "
my object was the mannequin i brought,
my goodness it was sooooo tedious!!
dot and dot and dot and dot....
finally finished it!
Heres a close up of the picture!
Ohhh and i went to try out the Western Stall from my Hall's canteen
its not bad!
So far ive tried the
Grilled Fish with Buttered Rice
and the
Jumbo Chicken Sausage,
both were damn awesome!! :D
shall end off with Lady Gaga's music video
You and I