woots,met up with sarah and yixiu at farrer park mrt,then we headed down to my lye's condo.
when we reached there,we realised we were at the back gate,so we couldnt enter,LUCKILY,a group of china people came and they tapped to open,so we pretend nth happen and just follow in,hahas.
then we reached to the BBQ pit,but noone was there,sarah then called ms lye,and she popped her head from her flat to wave down at us,hahas!
we reached her flat,but then it was locked,and ms lye forgotten to on the phone,so we just waited for someone to come and tap the door AGAIn :p
ms lye's unit was so minimalist and so hotel like,shud have seen her bathroom,damnnnnnnnnn
haha and guess what we got for going early,we were rewarded by another side of ms lye,one that you'd most probably wont be able to see in ur whole life.
she was a daddy's girl!! haha,omg,her dad had his arm aroudn her neck and they were so cuddlish *everyone go awwwww now*
hahas,enuff of that,we brought the food and stuff down :D
then we started to set up the fire! thanks to SZEYING,i finally noe how to start a fire,and i just cant help but to comment that the charcoal was damn high class,it burns so easily,unlike those which you fan until u die.
hahas,it started to drizzle abit halfway during the BBQing,but all was well as people took their umbrellas out to shelter the food,yes the food = =
k la,at least my longkang bro got shelter me for awhile b4 he ran away ..
NEVERMIND that,hahas,i was enjoying cooking so much that i hogged the space for so long,until i finally felt hungry.
then as the lighting there was not bad and we had a PRO photographer XINLI,how can you miss the chance of not cam whoring?????
HAHA,thus sarah,lucie and I were like cam whoring with anything we can find,from sliced cucumbers to satay ,HAHA,we're officially AEP people.
oh and did i mention,miss hew was super high,after drinking SPRITE,yes sprite!
she was giggling and laughing and was SUPER HIGH.geez,i never knew sprite was alcoholic o.o
oooh oooh,we played some card games,called "asshole taiti or smth,i-dont-know-how-to-spell-so-dont-correct-me-on-this"
haha there was like the king,the queen,the commoner,the prostitute,and lastly the asshole,elvis taught us how to play,and it was retarded!
all good things had to end eventually,but we had a fun time as we exchanged presents,hahas,miss hew! good singing,just that couldnt quite hear it,hahas.
we then all went up to miss lye's apartment to see a few of her art works and its damnnn pro la *claps until hands bleed*
oh well,it ended on a happy note,and xuli was reunited with her dear satay friends ;)

miss lye!

miss hew :D

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