Wednesday, December 19, 2007


monday was BBQ day with my current class

okay the day before that i was kind of thinking of not going,cos i was having mental blockage and did not know what to draw...
and i was so scared that my art teachers would reject the idea of me doing fantasy world thingy..

in the morning,ms lye forgotten she told us to meet at 9am,so she was LATE!!!
bah,we forgive her
then we were told to paint the 3R's corner,reduce..ya u know
so we just started to paint the base colour robin yellow,then carried on with a tree which undergone many operations,but it turned out pretty in the end.

then all was left is the top of the wooden container,dunno what name to call it.
its rather big ..
ok nvm that,so we were thinking of what to paint at the top,then i remembered of the hong kong drama serial "fei tian xi shi" where she used her handprint to make a we decided to play with the paint and all of us were painting our hands and just smacking it onto the board,and huimin was giving high pitch "EEeeeeeeee" and she was super high for some reason.
haha,then after we finished with hand printing,we use paint to drip all over the top,and it was so retarded when some of the paint got flickered onto the floor.
at first everyone was still quite okay,calm..but then me and sarah decided to dramtise the thing,so we shouted to faster clean up the floor and get water and stuff,that really got the other AEP members panicking,LOL!!

then all of us were busy scrubbing the floor and we managed to removed the white paint stains :D

then around 4pm,it was finally time for CONSULTATION :(
so our art teachers started to give comments and suggestions from one student to another,and phew i managed to survive.
and yirong was super funny,shes unknowingly funny,everyone laughed like mad cos she is just too innocent.

oh and by the time the art things ended,it was around 6pm!!
they estimated to end at 4pm..

ok so me and szeying made our way to the BBQ pit
we met with our classmates and had some laughter.
i ate quite alot cos i was feeling relieved :D

when a group was leaving,i had this dejavu that lasted rather long and it freaked me out.and while explaining it freaked szeying out too. lol!

then after they all left,only me,szeying,dorcas and yingxi were left to CLEAR UP THE TRASH.haha,smart people leave early. = =
we played a few rounds card games and the loser had to bring home stuff like,chilla sauce(a whole bottle),paper plates and cups,otahs O_O which dorcas suggested putting butter on them..LOL

so in the end we ended up giving a whole lot of the otahs to the group of malays who were sharing the pavillion with us :D

oh well,thats all and guess i will be having another BBQ on sat..

btw,the anti drug competition sent the winners an envelope,whereby we had to fill in the form and FAX it back to them..wth!!
we are required to produce a photocopy of NRIC front and back,bankbook front page too!

wah lau la! so troublesome lo,the army poster that we won only required to EMAIL the bank account number,yet this one so troublesome.

HAIYO,they shud update themselves sia..

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