during the bus ride,we tried to get marcus (AEP president) to start some ice breaker games with the J1s,but what we heard was tt the bus driver didnt like people standing up during the ride,so haix..
oh and we were given a worksheet at the museum
the museum had artifacts of Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre
there were like many many diff sculptures there
so pro
me and sarah went to look around together,we drew the same statue
we were instructed to sketch one male and one female statue
so for the male,we chose one with no head and hands LOL
then for the female,we chose Aphrodite (Venus Genitrix)
alot of our J2 aep were at that area
we managed to finish sketching on time
then were dismissed after that :)
then headed down to plaza singapura to eat
J1s had to go back :(
so i went with Xuli,Szeying,Lucie and Lee yen
had meal at KFC
after which,xuli and szeying went back
then me,lucie and lee yen went walking arnd looking at shops
G2000 had a sale,but the queue was too long so we decided to give it a miss
walk to many shops and i bought something :p
went back after that on a crowded MRT
i dont like crowds..bleargh
heres the two statues i sketched out
OH and sarah was feeling uncomfortable drawing the boy's thing

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