gosh really busy week coming ahead
and have to plan out the photoshoot timings too
why is everyone so busy?? :(
just bought a 50mm 1.8 lens..
hope the pictures turns out nice :D
aniw,got lectured on by some guy who sent me an email
talking about me being a "choosy little fool" cause i look for pretty people
and do photoshoots of them.
heres what he sent me
"What a joke....! You are looking for pretty faces people then you will shoot their pic?. Thats a joke and very unprofessional. A professional photographer will take something ugly and makes it beautiful. Photographer should be an artiste.. Not some choosy little fool who is learning on how to see the world on one side of the view."
firstly,im not a professional photographer and i just got my camera this year
secondly,its up to myself what i want to take with my camera
thirdly,you're being naive to think that professional photographers take ugly things making them beautiful.i personally don't like ugly things and i believe in capturing what is beauty to my own eyes.
and lastly,who the fuck are you to judge me and what i do??
keep your comments to yourself cause nobody asked you for it
ok.now that thats out my mind,
i want to watch this movie!

paranormal activity
looks freaky.
hahaha being a chicken hearted boy
i still wanna watch it
lol.dunno why i enjoy frightening myself.
aniw,really excited about the photoshoots at the end of the year
hope my trusty camera doesn't fail me!
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