Sunday, July 11, 2010

Photoshoot : benjamin

Met up with Benjamin yesterday for a photoshoot,
after a super super longgg time,we finally meet again.
and he sure looks different after BMT!

As we had lunch at Manhattan Fish Market,
we shared our own experiences as drivers in different unit,
his in sembawang camp whereas mine in selerang camp.
haha but there sure is alot in common though,
yep that is loads of fucked up people everywhere u go.

it was nice meeting him again,
i always liked it when he shares with me all the places he has travelled to,
and all the exciting and wonderful peope he met.

we then headed back to my place,
where ive set up a "photoshoot studio"
using my own room.
awesome right??

started using body paint,
or washeable tempera paint to be exact on him
and it was much more tedious than i expected!
took me super long to complete it.
but it was worth it :D

this was where he was trying to unzip his thousand dollars jacket
but was so scared to use force as it might damage it.

and his new shades :p

putting on makeup,

and of course
heres some shots from the photoshoot :D

time wasnt on our side as he had to rush off to a wedding dinner,
thus we called it a day and took a cab down to town
where i went to Marina Bay Sands hotel for alvin's party
and he went for his cousin's wedding dinner

its awesome to have such supportive friends :D
owe you big time man
thanks ben.

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