one was the GP lecture on discrimination.
it was about the obese people in Singapore
and the moment the lecturer mentioned about it,i felt real uneasy.
as you would have guessed,i was from TAF club last year,yea.
and frankly speaking,its still a rather disturbing experience
imagine this,after the long and tiring lessons,your stomach is calling out for mercy..the bell finally rings,its time for recess,HOWEVER,you dont get to go to the canteen! thats cos ure FAT! and because ure FAT you have to go to the track and RUN!
what the hell can. until now i still have super low confidence in how i look.
stupid secondary school.stupid MOE.i swear that i cannot get fat ever again.
cos this stupid world is so discriminatory
oh and during CT period,we had this topic about marriage.
our teacher asked who thinks that they are most likely to end up single.
and only i raised up my hand.
my whole class of girls look suprised though.
but seriously..part of the reason i want to remain single is cos of them.
GIRLS SCARE ME. just like how i scare them
oh well.i bought myself a shirt which cost $30.i thought it looked nice.
*i noe you dont like to see my face,but i cant help it,im just so shameless HAHA*