Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ticket (day trip)

You must have heard of the place that if we get to, we will have everything.
Happiness and dreams that's been waiting for will wait for us at the destination.
And only a single ticket is needed for multiple return trips.
But no one has ever returned to tell me anything.

So I wonder if it's real, want to see it for myself.
Even if it's by foot I'm willing to go, if there will be something upon arrival.
No matter what I must pay to get the ticket, I will.
and so I paid with everything I have just for someone to return it all to me and say...

* This ticket is not for me even though it is sold to all. It's just that this train does not have a place for me so I cannot travel.

Like I said, I'm dedicated and travelled in the direction that he travelled.
No matter the fatigue, the heat, or the cold, I'm not afraid. With a proud heart I will endure
and in not too long the destination will become apparent.
So I clamber on to reach that destination that is disappearing.
It probably is not real, that destination for someone like me.

The ticket that everyone has, probably does not exist for someonelike me.
And so I turn my back to the way that I came from, and there I saw someone looking.
When walked back, I saw that it was the same peson that told me repeatedly, stressingly that...

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