Sunday, December 9, 2007

To:my class

im gonna admit something today..
it doesnt sound nice but i gotta say it

..i dont like my class..

why you may ask?..
well,firstly,being in a boys school for 10 Years of my life,now my whole class are girls..well except for another guy who doesnt really talk to me..

so everyday of my school life,im always alone..
i do not go out with them,is because the things they do and talk about..i really have no clue what they are talking about,and they often refuse to tell me.

they always seem to be in their own groups,clique,whatever la.
and it really sucks cos i would always end up sitting all the way to the corner of the row as they are ALWAYS reserving seats for their clique..
and it has became a habit such that i always sit at corners even if they dont ask me to..

i know im being sensitive about such things but hey.its fucking irritating do you know that? you go count how many bloody lectures i sat through by not being emo,its just that im also part of the class,so why am i treated so differently?

and i often thought to myself,hey retaining might be a better option,as i might end up in a class which is better..
but then i thought,not all of them are that bad..

but i must say,i dread going to school everyday,i dread having to face my class, and i am always looking forward to going home,thats how i have been struggling throughout the whole of year 2007...

im trying to be more open and adapting to the class,
but really
the tiredness in me is making me feel like im drifting further and further from my class..if any of my classmates is reading this now,im not asking for sympathy,just some understanding will do..

thanks and cheers.

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